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terça-feira, 27 de junho de 2017

We like to match! - TD Fair 2017

Is there anything more beautiful than matching clothes with the ones you love? I think it's the coolest thing in the world!
The store Sophy-Boo helps us make it happen !! The new launch of the store at the Toddledoo Fair has outfits for mom, dad, and kids, and they all match!!!!!!! And all the pieces come with a HUD with
different prints!
You NEED visit the fair with your family and get these beautiful outfits :))

Existe coisa mais linda do que combinar com roupas com quem você ama? Eu acho que é a coisa mais legal do mundo!
A loja Sophy-Boo nos ajuda a tornar isso realidade!! O novo lançamento da loja na Toddledoo Fair possui looks para a mamãe, papai, e filhos! E todos as peças vem com uma HUD com 6 estampas diferentes! 
Você não pode deixar de visitar a feira com sua família e adquirir esses outfits lindos :))

Outfit/Look: Girls Summer Lovin Outfit TD B&K and BEBE - Sophy-Boo Available at Toddleedoo Fair
Hair/Cabelo: [monso] My Hair - Wendy /Red
Feets/Pés: ~ToddleeDoo - TippyToes (v.3.7)

Dakota (Mom/Mãe):
Outfit/Look: Summer Lovin Dresses ADULT  - Sophy-Boo Available at Toddleedoo Fair

Jbone (Dad/Pai): 
Outfit/Look: Summer Lovin Mens Shirts - Sophy-Boo Available at Toddleedoo Fair

Diego (Friend/Amigo):
Outfit/Look: Boys Summer Lovin Outfit - Sophy-Boo Available at Toddleedoo Fair

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